
холодный имя прилагательное:
холодный (cold, chilly, bleak, chill, frigid, icy)
слабый (weak, weakly, low, feeble, faint, cold)
равнодушный (indifferent, apathetic, unconcerned, aloof, cold, lukewarm)
неприветливый (surly, unfriendly, cold, cool, wintry, ungracious)
мертвый (dead, off, deathlike, cold, at rest, bung)
безучастный (indifferent, neutral, disinterested, vacant, cold, cool)
недействующий (inactive, inoperative, ineffective, inoperable, cold, inofficious)
фригидный (frigid, cold)
удручающий (disheartening, cold, dead-alive)
потерявший сознание (insensible, cold)
имя существительное:
холодность (cold, coldness, frigidity, chill, distance, frost)
холод (cold, chill, coldness, freeze, algidity)
простуда (cold, chill, common cold, catarrh, snuffle)
озябание (chill, cold)
точно (exactly, precisely, accurately, just, definitely, cold)
достоверно (authentically, veraciously, cold)
экспромтом (impromptu, offhand, extempore, cold)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "cold" в других словарях:

  • Cold-fX — is a product derived from the roots of North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) that is manufactured by Afexa Life Sciences Inc. (formerly called CV Technologies Inc.)[1], headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is marketed as a daily… …   Wikipedia

  • Cold — Datos generales Origen Jacksonville, Florida, Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Cold — (k[=o]ld), a. [Compar. {Colder} ( [ e]r); superl. {Coldest}.] [OE. cold, cald, AS. cald, ceald; akin to OS. kald, D. koud, G. kalt, Icel. kaldr, Dan. kold, Sw. kall, Goth. kalds, L. gelu frost, gelare to freeze. Orig. p. p. of AS. calan to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cold — [kōld] adj. [ME < OE (Anglian) cald < IE base * gel , cold > COOL, Ger kalt, L gelidus] 1. of a temperature significantly or noticeably lower than average, normal, expected, or comfortable; very chilly; frigid [a cold wind] 2. a) without …   English World dictionary

  • cold — cold, cool, chilly, frigid, freezing, frosty, gelid, icy, glacial, arctic mean having a temperature below that which is normal or comfortable. Cold is the general term, often implying nothing more than a lack of warmth {a cold day} {a cold hand}… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • cold — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or at a low or relatively low temperature. 2) not feeling or showing emotion or affection. 3) not affected by emotion; objective: cold statistics. 4) (of a colour) containing pale blue or grey and giving no impression of warmth …   English terms dictionary

  • Cold — Cold, n. 1. The relative absence of heat or warmth. [1913 Webster] 2. The sensation produced by the escape of heat; chilliness or chillness. [1913 Webster] When she saw her lord prepared to part, A deadly cold ran shivering to her heart. Dryden.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cold — cold; cold·ish; cold·ness; cold·slaw; cold·heart·ed·ly; cold·heart·ed·ness; …   English syllables

  • Cold — (англ.  холодный)  многозначный термин, который может означать: COLD  американская группа, играющая пост гранж/альтернативный металл, из Джексонвилля, Флорида. Cold  сингл группы Static X. Cold  студийный альбом блэк… …   Википедия

  • COLD — bezeichnet eine US amerikanische Alternative Metal/Post Grunge Band, siehe Cold (Band). COLD bezeichnet ein Verfahren zur Daten Archivierung in Computer Systemen, siehe Computer Output on Laserdisk die chronic obstructive lung disease, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cold — bezeichnet eine US amerikanische Alternative Metal/Post Grunge Band, siehe Cold (Band). ein Album von Flotsam and Jetsam, siehe The Cold. COLD bezeichnet ein Verfahren zur Daten Archivierung in Computer Systemen, siehe Computer Output on… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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